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  • Writer's pictureCheryl Blanton

Please Share the Sidewalk...

Even if one is lucky enough to attend the Garth Brooks concert on the closing day of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, it does not mean the nonexistence of common courtesy!  NRG Stadium is large and the parking is less than desirable at best. My mom, Jack and I were leaving after a long weekend for him and his partner as they presented their utility trailer at the stock show.  We were all walking at a different pace towards my mom’s car and every time I looked, my mom was walking in the mud rather the sidewalk because she was ‘forced’ off the concrete path.  This should not be a game of Chicken Sidewalk, but just common sense to know to share the sidewalk with others. Maybe they were just so excited to see Garth that they lost site of their manners. Or maybe, they believe they are entitled not to accommodate other people.

It is just a sidewalk, but it is more than that. It is how some view the world and maybe a better word is selfishness.  I received an email from a client/friend yesterday referring to some of my son’s friends.  They helped him do manual labor at his farm last week.  He was so happy to see motivated and polite young people, that his comment was ‘they give me hope’.  I loved this!  I am lucky enough to be surrounded by great teenagers.  (I do want to scream when they are together and all looking at their phones but that is for another time!)  After Houston, I came  home and reminded them all to SHARE the sidewalk, hold the door open for others, and smile at strangers.  I too have hope everyday!

I hope that as parents we can remember that our children will follow our lead, and that we lead well, trying to brighten someone's day, yessir, no sir, excuse me, thank you, all can get lost in the narcissism of social media and selfies.   And I promise I will not play Chicken Sidewalk if we should ever pass one another!

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